Learning Through Play

At The Rainbow Tree we truly believe in learning through play. Whether it be through physical/motor play, social play, free play, or fantasy play,

Learning through play is only a small part of being at The Rainbow Tree. We want every child who comes to The Rainbow Tree to feel like this is their second home, not just an ordinary day home.

Physical/Motor Play

Motor play is critical for children to develop both fine and gross motor skills. Children who use their small muscles in the fingers, hands and wrists creates a critical link between activity and brain development. Gross motor skills develop before fine motor and use large muscle groups.

How do we use play to develop gross motor skills?

  • Ride on toys
  • Dancing
  • Running
  • Climbing

How do we use play to develop fine motor skills.

  • Puzzles
  • Building Blocks
  • Painting
  • Colouring
  • Tracing
  • Play-Doh
  • Crafts

Social Play

Interacting with others in play helps children learn social rules, sharing, give and take, and cooperation. Social play is critical in developing a child's sense of values. Children are exposed to social situations on a daily basis at The Rainbow Tree with staff and other children.

How do we use social play?

  • Circle Time
  • Conversation
  • Free Play with Peers
  • Social Games and Sport

Free/Fantasy Play

Free play is fundamental for children to figure out their interests, try out new things, get involved in possible situations in order to develop flexible abstract thinking by using their imagination.

  • Book Center
  • Art Center
  • Dramatic Play Center
  • Water/Sand Tables
  • Toy Center
  • Outdoor Play